The weather on Sardinia is typically Mediterranean with mild winters and hot summers with low precipitation. During the main travel season in July and August, air temperatures reach a monthly average of around 24°C with peak temperatures reaching as much as 40°C. The climate in spring and autumn is warm and generally
During summer Sardinia has a virtual sunshine guarantee . The southern coast counts on average no more than three rainy days between June and August. The water temperature at Sardinia's beaches is warm all year.
Climate Sardinia - Mild Winters, Hot Summers
As in all regions with a typically Mediterranean climate Sardinia experiences a rather mild winter with average temperatures around 12°C. Snow fall is only possible in the mountainous regions of the island. Spring starts early on the Island with maximum temperatures reaching 26,5°C in March that climb to 35°C in May. The summer on Sardinia is hot with average maximum temperatures around 31°C in July and August.The weather stays warm throughout autumn . Average temperatures around 20°C are experienced as late as October.
All year around Sardinia has a high degree of days with sunshine . In the north of the island an average of 296 sunny days is counted while Cagliari in the south reaches 303 days. During high season in July and August Sardinia has a virtual sunshine guarantee with 30 days of up to eleven hours of sunshine.
Accordingly the probability of precipitation is generally low. In all three summer month only seven rainy days are counted in Olbia in the north, while Cagliari has no more than three days with rain.
Temperatures in Sardinia’s main tourist destinations
Temperatures on Sardinia ’s coastlines can reach 25°C as early as March. An average maximum temperature of 23°C is reached in Olbia in the month of May. The average temperature in Alghero and Cagliari is about 1°C below that.
- Average maximum temperatures are higher in Olbia and the nearby Costa Smeralda than on other coasts throughout the tourist season and reach 28°C in June, 31°C in July and August, 27°C in September and 22°C in October.
- Cagliari is only slightly less warm with maximum average temperatures of 27°C in June, 30°C in July and August, 27°C in September and 23°C in October.
- Alghero at Sardinia’s western coast has 25°C in June, 29°C in July and August, 26°C in September and 22°C in October.
In July and August temperature peaks of 40°C can be reached on all of Sardinia’s Coasts. Especially in the northeast they can be cooled down by breezes from the sea.
The water temperature at Sardinia’s famous beaches is warm all year. Average temperatures climb from 19°C in May to a comfortable 22°C in June and will stay between 23°C and 25°C until October. The water is generally about one degree warmer on Sardinia’s South Coast.
The best season for holidays to Sardinia
The warm climate makes Sardinia perfect for a relaxing holiday during most of the year. While some tourist resorts at the Costa Smeralda may be closed outside the summer season other parts of the islands make up for this with their beautiful nature and an authentic atmosphere . Sardinia's vastness of cultural sights and a bathing season extending into October make the island always worth a visit.
- The best season for pure beach holidays is July and August with their high air and sea temperatures. The high air humidity of can hamper other especially sportive activities during this time of the year.
- The early summer between the middle of May and June as well as September are best for a combination of beach and activity holiday . Many travelers consider spring and the early summer to be the best time to visit the island since nature is in full bloom and the beaches are not crowded yet.
- The warm October is still a very good time for activities such as hiking, horse riding, a tour of the island or golf holidays.
Information about the weather on Sardinia and current forecasts can be found on the Weather Channel's homepage.